Warheart Audiobook Free

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    The one overarching constant in this epic series has been the long shadow cast by the Sword of Truth.

    That weapon, created in the time of Magda Searus during the darkest hours of the great war, was forged for a purpose now long forgotten and yet unfulfilled.

    When Richard first met Kahlan in the Hartland Woods, the Sword of Truth was finally ready to come into the hands of the one man who had been born to wield it.

    That weapon is now in Kahlan's care as she stands over Richard's funeral pyre.

    From the first moment they met, Richard and Kahlan had been menaced by magic and manipulated by prophecy. They had never known true peace any more than they had known the true source of prophecy. Nor had they known the origin of the omen machine or the ultimate purpose of the boxes of Orden, a power that has been fought over for millennia.

    As the veil between the worlds of life and death begins to disintegrate, the ultimate evil now reveals itself.

    The time of the bringer of death has arrived.

    With Richard dead, it is now up to Kahlan, the last Confessor, to discover why the Sword of Truth is bonded to him, why that ancient weapon was created in the first place, and why the first Confessor was such an integral part of its creation.

    The answer to that question will determine the fate of existence.

    Discover it in Warheart.

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  • Warheart Audiobook Free Download | Warheart Audiobook Streaming For iOS Written By Terry Goodkind Narrated By Sam Tsoutsouvas with Duration 15 hours, 47 minutes

  • Warheart Audiobook Free Download | Warheart Audiobook Online For Iphone Download Warheart Audio Full Version For Free
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